Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 5, NO. 4 / AUGUST 1986

New Products

New Products notices are compiled by the Antic staff from information provided by the products' manufacturers. Antic welcomes such submissions, but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of these notices or the performance of the products listed.

1220 Rock Street
Rockford, IL 61101
(415) 968-2228

Thinking of buying a Hayes compatible modem that plugs directly into your computer? Now you have an alternative to the elusive Atari 850 Interface. The ICD PR Connector has one parallel port and two serial ports, just like the 850. It's compatible with any terminal program that uses a standard Autorun.sys autoboot file or DOS 2, and comes with three terminal programs on disk; AMODEM 7.2; RSCOPE, a version of TSCOPE; and the popular 850 Express. A making it compatible with Batteries Included Hometerm is also included. Uses standard 850 cables, additional cables are available for $15 each, or ICD will custom build one for $30.

(memory upgrade)
Triple C Computers
6807 226th Avenue N.E.
Stacy, MN 55079
(612) 462-4435

This kit supplies all hardware and signal decoding to upgrade an 800XL to 256K memory. It is compatible with the 130XE RAMdisk and the SpartaDOS Construction Set. Soldering is required and you must provide your own 256K chips. Triple C will install the kit in your 800XL for an extra $30.

(business software)
2513 #E Sylvester Road
Albany, GA 31707
(912) 888-0821
$79.95, 48K disk

InSyst! is an inventory system for small businesses. Written in ACTION! for speed, it features 12-character item numbers, 24-character descriptions, use of minimum fields to compute suggested orders, multiple costs on purchases, sales history; bin location and a vendor code field.

(entertainment software)
Strategic Simulations Inc.
1046 N. Rengstorff Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043
(415) 964-1353
$59.95, 48K disk

In this "sister game" to Kampfgruppe, Soviet and NATO forces fight modem tactical warfare in a time period spanning the 1980s and 1990s. Four scenarios, each in a different area of West Germany, and over 40 armored vehicles are provided.

(Printer buffer)
Omnitronix Inc.
P.O. Box 43
Mereer Island, WA 98040
(206) 236-2983

The fast Ramjet 256K Print Buffer comes in versions for either standard parallel or RS-232 serial printers. It has a pause button for using single sheets of paper.

Covox Inc.
675-D Conger Street
Eugene, OR 97402
(503) 342-1271
$5, 16K disk

This new Covox disk contains programs and digitaily-encoded speech vocabularies demonstrating the audio capabilities of the $89.95 Voice Master Speech and Music Processor for all Atari 8-bit computers. Included on the disk are a talking calculator and talking keyboard.

(For Flight Simulator II)
SubLogic Corporation
713 Edgebrook Dnve
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 359-8482
$19.95, 48K disk

Each of these scenery disks covers a region of the Western half of the U.S. and expands the potential flying environment of Sublogic's best-selling Flight Simulator II software. The six-disk set costs $99.95.

Minerva Research Limited
35 Olympia Avenue
Victoria, BC
Canada V8V 2N3
(604) 385-3711
$29.95, 48K disk

Tinkertune turns your computer into a three-octave mini-organ with a choice of nine different scales, four wave envelopes and percussion sound. The live performance feature plays a single note or a Full chorus at the touch of a key or joystick.

(robot kits)
Multibotics Inc.
#A 2561 South 1560 West
Woodscross, UT 84087
(801) 298-9077

Build robots to interface with your computer. These workshops provide projects and experiments showing how computers interact with the real world. The master module allows your computer to function as a variable-speed motor controller.

Return the favor. When you call a manufacturer or supplier about a product you've seen advertised or otherwise mentioned in ANTIC, please tell them so. This will help us to continue to bring you the latest information about products that will make your Atari computer an even more valuable investment in the future.-ANTIC ED